Halloween DIY: Pearler Bead Candy Corn Earrings

It's Halloween Week!

I discovered Karen Kavett through The Crafty Chica on Facebook and I love her style! We have been doing pearler  (aka fuse) beads in Sunday School for a year now (they are a great time killer!) and I had recently seen Karen's latest video on Halloween DIYS to do when you are bored and she features a pearler bead candy corn garland, I mentioned it in Sunday School so I had to try it but I thought it would be fun to make earrings!

Materials (as the video instructs)

Star peg board
Yellow, white and orange pearler beads
Wax paper that's included in the kit
Iron set on a low setting 
Jump Rings
Earring hooks

To make the candy corn, you will have to do two rows on each of the corners of the star peg board in this order: yellow, orange, and white.

Make sure you space in between triangle (like in the video) then iron both sides using the wax paper. Let them cool.

Next, you will take a tack and poke a hole in the top of the earring. I did the corner but you can do the middle. The beads of course have holes in them but when you fuse them together they tend to close. Then you will add the jump ring and last the hooks!

Now you have a fun fall pair of earrings without the cost! I plan to do the goth succulents in the video too and I have other DIYS to come!


Miss Mag Nificent


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