Easy Sachets

 May the 4th be with you today!!!

While on my vacation, I did some small projects. I've been trying to organize my closet into something more well organized! It's been a process let me tell ya! Pictures to come!

One of my projects was sachets. I got one for a gift for Christmas I think? My friend has made it from an small organza treat bags and dryer scent beads:

You can get the bags in the party section at any store or the $ Tree. I found mine in the wedding section at Wal-Mart. Since they're for the drawers or the closet so color isn't a big deal. Next, pick your choice of dryer scent beads I went with pink of course.

Step 1: Pour about half the beads into the lid of the container:

Step 2: Pour into bag this should fill the bag half of course to the ribbon line:

Note: You don't want it too full because you have to tie the bag closed. I did overfill my first one the next picture will show the overfilled one vs. the half filled one.

Step 3: Pull the bag closed then wrap the ribbon around once then knot it to ensure the bag is closed:

 There you have it! Some great smelling sachets to stick in your drawers or in your closet! You can even them tuck into your travel bags to leave your clothes smell extra nice!!


Margie Mae 


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