Vintage and Junk Love: Junkstock

How awesome is this junked #5?

 As you know last weekend was Junkstock It's their 5th year anniversary and usually they have just a summer and fall edition BUT this year there is three! Spring, Summer and Fall!

Here's my first Junk Stock post 

Seriously it is hands down one of the best places to go junking ever! I look forward to it every year! Random fact even the guys from American Pickers stopped!! (I wished I had got to see them!) the other big news is that Junkstock has gotten SO BIG they're relocating after the summer one to a newer location! I am going to miss the diary farm but am super excited to see the location in the fall!!

I will be planning a future post on the basics of Junkstock 101 but for now I will share a few pictures that I snapped!

How awesome is this vintage Coke machine? I showed the picture to my dad and he said he remembers in the service that it was 15 cents at the time (around the late 1960's?). I can't wait to do an edit of this!

Besides the tire peace sign I think this heart with paint cans is truly my favorite! The first year they debuted it the had #junkstock on it I wished they did again!

How cute is this is this rusted vehicle? It even has flowers in it!

How neat is this retro jukebox? It sold on Saturday I wised I had a) the money and b) the room for it!

One of my favorite booths Dry Scout Goods  Had this cute VW van of home and closet a shop in Lincoln .

I got a few treasures and didn't find anything on my list (I still kick myself that I didn't get that red vintage petite coat) I will be sharing a separate post for the jewelry (Friday). I got but I got this from Dry Scout:

Isn't it cute?? It's vintage for sure and I got the cute vintage key tag too! I will be doing a "What in your bag" post later on too!

Do you go junking? What's your favorite place?


Margie Mae


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