Record headboard

Happy Monday! I have just a week left of Spring semester! It's gone fast!

Last weekend, besides Junkstock I went to the annual Library book sale, I usually I get a ton of books but this time I got a ton of vinyls (you can't beat 25 cents a pop). Anyways I've been wanting to do a project for some time I wanted to create a headboard. I've tried to find something that would work for me. There was ENDLESS ideas everything from tie dying one, using tulle and twinkle lights to make a canopy (problem for a cat owner of a very spunky cat!), and a big giant canvas painting. But nothing felt right.

I had started doing some random updating to my room changing out pictures etc. Then it came to me: vinyls. I could hang vinyls on the wall as a headboard. It's perfect! I was itching to get some at Goodwill but hadn't found the time to go then when I went to the book sale and found some as I mentioned above .25 cents it was a sign!

I ended up with 12 records because honestly I wasn't sure how many it would take. I got home later that evening and got to work here's my wall before:

I did have a The Rock poster but he came down 

Next, I took some scotch restickable strips to help hang the records up:

I just hung the records randomly until I was pleased with the final (or should I say vinyl?) design:

Here's a bit closer:

The pillow cases are from Mod cloth but they're sold out! :(

It really ties in my room and I no longer have a blank wall!

Have a great week!


Margie Mae


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