Summer Frames

I should really start focusing on fall, but alas summer is still on my mind even though kids head back to school this week (EARLY!!) and it’s still hot but starting to cool down. I do know I need to kick it in high gear and start my fall crafts EARLY this year (maybe in September).

 In the studio the last week, I was working on another summer project. I came across this funky photo frame at Goodwill:

It sat on the top shelf of my closet for the longest time I couldn’t think of anything to do with it, well during my studio re-organization, I was going through my scrap papers, I have a lot of beach papers of course so that became my theme:

I used some other beach odds and ends. The center is my favorite it was a mini file folder that I have had forever never had used it, I was afraid to cut it up at first. But it had been sitting in my box for years, so it was now or never!

The frame has an easel back and hooks. First I thought about putting it on my dresser in my room but I didn’t look right sitting there so I went back and grabbed some ribbon and hung it up on my wall:

This is definitely something you can definitely change up for the seasons I think I would be fun with Halloween paper in it PLUS some of the frames are deep enough to be a shadow box too.

Can’t wait to try other ideas!!

Have a great week!!


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