She's at it again!!

I have a serious problem.

I am re-doing my bathroom AGAIN.

My initial plan was for in 2016 to re-vamp my kitchen. I've got somewhat of a start by doing some wall arranging which I still need to show you. The rest would be at tax time. I've been shopping at my favorite haunt Gordman's and then my favorite shop online at sourpuss clothing

When I saw this shower curtain all bets were off.

I know what you're thinking. I just re-did my bathroom almost a two years ago? The curtain is in the mail. Not sure if I will get it for Christmas but I can't wait! I'm glad I'm single because I would drive my other half crazy!!

That lead onto Pinterest and some new ideas.

But I will hold off until after Christmas because I still have a few Christmas related posts to do. Plus I will share my kitchen stuff too!

Stay Tuned!


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