Whatever Wednesday: Downtown Photos

For the start of my vacation, the first three days I stayed in and cleaned my studio. I actually got it done last Thursday morning which I am very proud of myself because it was A LOT of work. Plus it was one of my goals to get it done before the end of the week since I was going out of town both Friday and Saturday.

I also got a few crafty projects done including updating my good things jar and brooch board (both a third time) plus a few other little projects. I need to get a schedule made of how I want the rest of my blogging schedule to go because I have so much to share!

Last Wednesday, I got out of the house and did laundry but my dad and I stopped at a newish local antique store called Pickens. I got a few items under $10.00 but I am saving them for my ABC's of Pinup on Monday but here's a couple pictures I snagged:

Isn't he the cutest? 

I loved these bar stools!  

This Orange Crush Banner is everything!

While downtown, I spotted a few murals that I have to share:

The colors are so beautiful! It's larger but I am only sharing part of it 


This is so pretty!! 

That is it for now! I will be back with more soon!!!




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