Skull canisters

Hello! I wanted to blog more last week but I had a BIG assignment due yesterday so I took the rest of the week to finish it! Besides being knee deep in homework I got this awesome canister set from Sourpuss Clothing!

I have been searching for the right set of canisters for my kitchen since I moved in but I had a mismatched set of them which was fine but I longed for a vintage set even in red but never came across the right one. Last year this same time Sourpuss had a gorgeous set but I didn't get them ordered fast enough and soon they were gone.... Don't we always have regret of things we didn't buy? So when they offered this skull set I jumped on it right away! (Plus it didn't hurt to have a special discount code too!)

When they arrived, I was surprised to see they were actually ceramic ones. (Minor detail I missed when ordering them) but when I got them home, I was smitten! But they are perfect! No they're not red, or vintage but they are everything I've wanted in canisters and more!

Here's the before:

And the after!

I plan to keep one of the black canisters for brown sugar. I plan to do a big order from Sourpuss soon! Also I will be sharing to fashion posts this week to catch up!

Have a great week!!



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