Gothic Room Update: The nightstand

I am finally getting around to sharing my room updates. The room is pretty much done for the most part now. I finally got my rug. I know it's been a while since Blog O Ween (I think?) that I shared my room updates. 

So I will be working backwards to get caught up. Which we're starting with the night stand. If you remember one of Blog O Ween posts was attempting to use Rit Dye to make over said night stand. 

Then black Friday happened.

I found a black night stand at Wal-Mart on sale for Black Friday (it's sold out currently). Before I get into too much details, I am going to share the before of photo of the original night stand after the dye job:

When I got the new stand, I should have realized one thing: Read the reviews.  Because that would have saved me the headache of assembling this night stand. I had to call in for reinforcements (My bestie) to come help me put the thing together. It was beyond frustrating to say the least and the instructions were not clear. 

But we finally got it together:

Here's what it looks like with my books, lamp, etc. on it:

Despite the assembly issues it's really nice. I eventually want to swap out for bat pulls from Sourpuss (which I keep forgetting to order from them oops). 

Next week will be my review of my spooky bedding from Sin in Linen!

Stay Spooky!

Miss Mag Nificent 


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