Small Business Saturday: The Star Brite Motel

Instead of doing Fashion Friday this week (mainly because I need to take pictures of said items). I am sharing a Small Business Saturday since I have not done one since last year. If you don't remember I feature a small business that I have discovered through social media and have purchased their products! Plus I am continuing to share the wealth on my blog so it's a win win. I think I am going to try to do this either once or twice a month depending on how often I purchase stuff!

Today I am featuring TheStarBriteMotel  which has the cutest brooches beyond words! I swear I wanted to buy more of them!! But I settled for three one being a set that included earrings. One thing I am beginning to love is retro inspired accessories!

As you can see, I got a record player, milkshake and an atomic earring brooch set. Which are super cute! My brooch collection has definitely grown!!

Have a great weekend!




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