Clarie's and Lush Haul

Happy Monday and Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

The weekend was a good one. Saturday I spent time with my friend Mandy (her birthday was Tuesday) we went to Kobe Steak House (so much food!) we went to Lush afterward and saw La La Land! More on that in a bit! Last week I started school too so that's why there was a lack of posts.

Before I met Mandy, I stopped at Claire's which we no longer have in Fremont it actually closed two years ago. That store was my youth! Anyways I have been in need of new red stud earrings since mine broke but alas I didn't find any :( however it was buy 3 get 3 free so I did get a few new pretties!

Claire's does carry some rockabilly style earrings. The black roses and the cherry studs. I also got unicorns, hamburgers, pink beaded cherries (I like cherries!) and coffee travel cups!

Like I said we stopped at Lush after dinner which is one of my favorite places. I don't go as often as I would like but I did pick up a few things:

 Sex Bomb 

The Comforter 

And also I got a sample of Mask of Magnanimity Stay tuned for a review of each products!!!


As I mentioned I went to La La Land with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. It was amazing!! I never knew how talented Ryan is! Emma's dress were beautiful stay tuned for a fashion love post too!!

We're in an ice storm here in Nebraska. We were supposed to get snow we haven't as of yet. I don't have school today so I lucked out. But it is super slick out and all stores ran out of salt. No power outages here yet but in Omaha few have gone day. I wish I could stay home through Tuesday but I have to work.Think warm positive thoughts!

Have a great week!




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