Nerdy Sunday!

Hello! Hard to believe that it's Tuesday and I start my 2nd summer semester already. I swear the two weeks flew by!

Sunday I went with my cousin to O Comic Con this is the 2nd year of it and let's just say it was busier than last year! A much better turn out for sure!!

I didn't take a lot of pictures because it was so overwhelming but I did snag a picture with Deadpool!

Can we talk about my dress?

Green Power Ranger Skater Dress 80's Tees

This was the dress I was going to wear for Planet CC but since that trip never happened I wore it Sunday! I recommend going a size up on it though because it does run small (the site kind of pokes fun at that). Anyways it was awesome to see more Cosplay this year. I didn't dress up because I knew it would be so stinking hot (it was later this year). But my awesome cousin got me Jason David Frank's autograph pictures and Power Ranger action figures!

And the best part of the weekend was... getting these glasses!

Have a great week!!


Margie Mae


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