Ipsy Mailer Art

Since joining Ipsy, I've never really have done anything with the sassy pink mailers. I thought about keeping them but...

1. I am such a pack rat already or a crafty hoarder
2. What would I really do with them?
3. I end up pitching them on one of my many purges
4. Who mails stuff anymore? I mean besides a few bills (ugh) I wish I still had pen pals! 

It wasn't until I saw LottaCurlz on Instagram and what she was making with them that I thought okay I will try to make something with them! Her ideas were great but I wanted to try something of my own design.

One thing I love is milkshakes so I thought it would be neat to do a milkshake painting!

Here is the mailer with the label and sticky stuff removed:

Next I cut the mailer apart and traced a milkshake glass and cut it out:

I got an 8x10 canvas and painted the background light blue:

Next, I took the glass and measured where I wanted the glass to sit so I could determine the ice cream (or whipped cream?) placement. The I took a dotted sponge brush in white paint with a little free handing:

Then I glued the straw to the glass and attached to the canvas. Last but not least all good milkshakes needs a cherry on top right?  So I picked up some red buttons:

Presto! Doesn't it look amazing? It now has a place on my gallery wall!


I know there has been a lot of sadness on the news lately. I try to stay away from it because I am em-path but it's hard. The world is such a scary place right now, it makes me sad, angry and little scared. I'm trying to prepare myself in case something would ever happen (I pray that it doesn't) I'm in the process of putting together a 72 Hour kit just in case (coming to the blog soon).

But that doesn't mean we have to be sad all the time! We need to get keep moving forward and know that eventually will be okay and spread kindness. I know it wasn't much but while I did the Color Run Saturday, I made a point to thank each police officer that was at each corner. They are people too and they matter. Just like you matter too!

Have a great day!


Margie Mae 


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