Vintage Love: 48th Street Tastee Inn and Out

This is a new theories of posts I will be doing on my love of vintage!

I frequent the city of Lincoln quite a bit my best friend lives there with her family. One my way home, I always drive down 48th street which there is a particular run down area that fascinates me so I finally got a chance to photograph it!

I did some research and was sad to learn that it just close in 2013 here's the story. It's too bad because it sounds like a dream place! I've tastee sandwiches and they are the bomb! I looked on their Facebook page and No. 2 Special Tastee Sandwich, French Fries Malt or Shake was .49 cents!! Amazing isn't it? It's sad to see such a neat place close.

Anyways enjoy the photos I did some edits to them:

This print hangs in my kitchen.

Of course I had to snap the Coke sign as well!!


Margie Mae 


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