Spooky jugs

The week before Halloween. It's unusual for Halloween to be on a Monday of all things. I guess stranger things have happen. As I mentioned Saturday, I have so many craft projects lined up this year and hardly have time to do them. I suppose there is always next year but then I may find newer ones and the cycle begins again. Next year I'll start crafting in August.

Today's project is a "Go Green" and super easy project:

Spooky Jugs!

I got this project from Family Fun magazine. This book is jammed packed with projects. Here is what you need:

Milk jugs (clean of course) with lids

Sharpie marker

Craft knife or scissors (if a kiddo does this project have an adult help with cutting k?)

A strand of lights

All you do basically is draw a spooky face on the jug with the lid on the keep it for denting up, then cut a hole in the other side of the jug. The magazine calls for about a half dollar sized hole. I used my craft knife to start the hole then used my sharp scissors to make the hole wider. Also I cut the hole where the label is or towards the bottom is good.

Then you instert the lights in the back of the jugs. I have two right now but I think before the week is over I'll three jugs.  Here is the one lit up in my studio:

And here is the two together out on my patio:

You can use the smaller jugs too if you have them.  I choose purple lights as well to be different other white lights work just as well heck if you have enough jugs you can make a ton of spooks to line your sidewalk!

Oh and here's my Halloween lights:

I know it's far away but they're skull and pumpkins

Awesome huh?


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