Time for some randoms!

*Stupid Alltel pics website has been down, can't upload my pics onto here :(

*What's more depressing then these words: The site is currently unavailable

*Can't do a wordless Wednesday without photos!

*How long has it been since I've done a WW?

*Really wanted to show the awesome bull grill I saw while visiting the wire jungle

*And the awesome graffiti I spotted in alley downtown

*Is amazed that my town actually has this said awesome graffiti

*Figures if I can't create at least I have my camera

*And that's better than nothing

*New name for Twizzlers: Swizzle sticks, not to be confused with the kind you stir your yummy alcoholic drinks with

*Was asked the other morning at work if I was using the microwave to cook said swizzle sticks

*My high school reunion is Friday meaning

*I've been out of high school for 10 years YIKES!!

*Makes me ask What's my age again?

*Lady Gaga's new CD = Pure awesomeness


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