July 15th Day 15 30 day Blog Challenge

Note: Since I am vacation next week I will be catching up on my 30 day blog challenge that is two months late this was the easiest posting option for me since the Alltel my pic site is still down after 3 days. So starting today through next Sunday will be these challenges hopefully when I come back I can sort of get back to regular posts around here well as regular as they get. Enjoy!!

Day 15-Bible verse

"And HOPE does not disappoint us because God has poured out his love into our hearts, by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us" Romans 5:5

What I love about this verse (actually the whole chapter is good) is the word hope. That is one of my most favorite words. It's used a lot in Relay and I've come to rely on hope. The amazing to be reassured that hope dosen't disappoint.


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