Music Love: Post Modern Jukebox

Happy Friday!

I know my posts have been limited lately but I am getting towards the end of my summer semester and trying to soak up the last of summer. I swear it just started!!

Anyways today I am sharing this awesome music I was introduced (thanks Shannon!) to Post Modern Jukebox if you have not heard of them! Get on it!!!

Basically they do covers of popular songs and take them back in time! Back to the swing times! At first I wasn't sure I'd like them but Oh my goodness! I actually some of the songs they cover better than the originals! Seriously if you don't believe me check these out!

This Lorde's verison of Royals done by Puddles Pity Party. Yes a clown but his voice!!!

Okay how many of you remember Stacy's Mom? And the group Fountain of Wayne?? It was like a summer hit back in my day ;) It's one of those where you're not sure you like it but hate to admit you do? Like admitting you dig Nickelback (which I do by the way). Anyways, here's PMJ's take on it!

I could flood this post with videos but I swear I won't ;) go check them out for yourself!

I think this will replace Fashion Fridays for the time being since I am on a dress freeze (wah!) until my bank account recovers ha. But I will back soon with it!

Have a great weekend!


Margie Mae


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