From unorganized to possibly organized?

I try to be organized really. But it never seems to work out. I wouldn't be the un-organized artist anymore. However I would like to be sort of organized.

Not crazy like I have to have everything in an certain order, by size, color or anything like that. Just maybe enough to make life easier for me in general for like in the studio.

So I am taking a class.

Yes believe it or not there is a class on how to get organized. Who knew?

One of the local banks in my town offers these "University" type classes. My friend Charity signed me up for a couponing class almost like extreme couponing. How did that go?

Well.... I cut the coupons and that's it. Sometimes if I remember I will use them. But I am not extreme couponer by any means. I do have them in a cute little storage holder thingy!

Then we took a freebie class where you can literally get stuff for free (taught by the same gal who does the coupon class). Did that work? I got a free sample from Target and was disappointed when it wasn't as cool as the instructor made it to be.

So both of those classes were an epic fail. I will learn something from this class and apply to my life and KEEP UP WITH IT even if it kills me.

The class is in April I will keep you posted.


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