Back into the swing of things.

Ugh! After a nice week of being off I am back to the grind yippee. In way I’m little nervous because around the same time last year I took vacation, I came back and got fired so I have a bit of de ja vu in my mind. I know it’s like totally stupid of me to worry because I do a pretty decent job here at FAMC (the place hasn’t burned down yet and I did live through my 1st code red) at least I think I do, usually I’m told when I’ve screwed up then after they say BUT you’re doing good otherwise :-/ so there you have it.

It’s just the same time one year ago, I thought I was doing an “okay” job at the other place yeah I was having a heck of time selling those stupid YMALS but other than that, nothing else seemed that bad. I come back actually excited because we had ice cream that day, and I got balloons for working 9 years then after my break I am fired, my desk cleared, and I am escorted out of the building without knowing what the hell to do next. Looking back at it now in a way being fired was a blessing I wouldn’t have this great job at FAMC, however I did not like the struggle for nearly 6 months of wondering when was I going to get a job again, wondering if I was going to make rent, or if I had to move back in with my dad. That was a very scary time for me and I never hope I have to go through it again. I would never wish that on anybody either.

So enough on that matter what happens, happens. I did have a good vacation I didn’t get everything done that I planned that’s usually how it is. Monday dad, bro, and I went to Kearney and saw The Great Platte River Road Archway Monument. It’s pretty cool actually worth the two-hour drive. Barry and I did this human maze thing, which, I had seen before on an episode of Brooke Knows Best, Hulk and Knobs ending up cheating (that wasn’t allowed I found out) but I understand how Brooke and her roommates felt because it’s a pain in the ass! Our objective was to go to each corner of the maze and spell out M-A-Z-E on our cards by punching the correct letter. Great, but the problem was the letters that were above the locations didn’t match the paper punch so like A was a letter Z punch below. I figured this out after like the 1st punch. What was even better? Dad watching us from up above laughing at every dead in we came to. I started to get a little mad and curse every dead end because we only had one letter left and no way to get it! I caved and asked dad to help. We completed the maze in 34 minutes! No world records were set that day!

Later after lunch dad really wanted to find where our grandpa’s name was in this hall of fame for janitors, Barry said that it was in Grand Island so we decided to go there. We find this caboose that contained visitor’s information to discover they had no freaking clue what we were talking about! The guy that ran the stupid thing wanted dad to sign the guest book. I didn’t for being visitor information they sucked! Well, we saw this Stur museum that is a historical place a huge indoor/outdoor museum. So we decided WTF we’re here let’s check it out. We ended up just touring the outdoor part it was WAY too hot to do anything else, and we should of ignored the advice of the lady in the museum to do the indoor stuff last because only two of their buildings had a/c instead of doing the historical town first.

They had a small set up of a Lutheran church and a small schoolhouse we looked at those first, then there is a town called Railroad, which is set in the 1800’s. You can actually walk into some of the houses of “people” that live there, go into shops, and the buildings like the black smith, mill, etc. It was really cool some actors were in some of the locations too. But after touring the town we were wiped out and went home. All in all it was a good day trip, next time I would like to go to Hastings with the museum that talks about how Kool-Aid was invented!

Tuesday, the other overnight girl Shannon and I went into Omaha shopping. She had never been to Torrid so I was more than happy to take her there. We made the mistake and went into Yankee candle (that store along with Bath and Body works should be banned from shop-a-holics!) however I will bring coffee the next time I venture in there (party light tip smelling coffee gets rid the overwhelming experience of smelling or getting high off one too many candles). I took her to lunch at one of my favorite college hangouts Bene then we went to Target and K-Mart.

Wednesday got a start on our upstairs closet it was the only day I touched it! Thursday I don’t think I did anything just chilled oh I did update on here but that’s was all. Friday morning I went back into Omaha to see my friend Becki and her girls Bailey and Brittney (I babysat them before they moved to Omaha). I did my first photo shoot with the girls at Muhalls nursery and a few in the Old Market. They turned out ok (the pictures) and the later I got my first tattoo!

Mary and I went early about 6:30 (my appointment was at 7) to Dr. Jack’s. Paulee the artist hands me paperwork, then says he was going to smoke then wash up and would be ready to roll. Cool part was that Mary and Shannon got to be there to keep my amused so I wouldn’t focus too much on the pain. Yes it does hurt for those who never have gotten one yet. At the time I described it as your eyebrows being plucked rapidly later it felt like someone taking a sewing needle and dragging it across your skin (duh it was done by a needle!) also it burns but a good kind of burn Paulee said. He did an awesome job really nice guy kept asking me if I was okay, etc. Mary told me later that when I got off the table I accidentally flashed I was wearing a bra cami and a regular cami so I was going commando, being the good he is he looked away (from what Mary told me) lol!

As of now it isn’t as red as it was and yeah it burns still like a sunburn but I am glad I did it and didn’t wuss out. The old me probably would have and cried but not the sort of new me did it and sat through it. I will get another one in the not so distant future. Now Mary is amped to get one!

That’s it for me on this post I will try and be more on top of this.

Later days


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