Book Tree

It’s the week before Christmas, and I’m so not ready. Plus it hasn't really felt like Christmas the weather has been balmy. I’m taking the rest of the week off to hopefully prepare but I will be sharing a few posted dated entries as scurry to finish up!

Today I’m sharing the book tree which was actually my first tree I put up. I had wanted to try the idea last year but never got around to it. There were no instructions just pictures on Pinterest I just went on a whim and it only took me twice to get it right! Also I set it up in the studio.

I started out with large hardcover books I used three and build up:

Followed by large paperbacks:

This I think was either before or after the stack fell the first time. So I had to start over

Followed by smaller paperbacks:

I alternated positioning a bit to the books to stay and for it to look like a tree. I added a tree toper with tape:

And here it is:

I’m pretty proud on how it turned out. It’s optional you can add decorations such as ornaments and lights but I kept it simple plus you know I have a cat.

Have a great week!


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