October Favorites!

Before I start this post let me just say how happy I am that the Chicago Cubs won the World Series!!

Fashion Friday will be back next week. I've decided to do a favorites section on the blog. Of stuff that I liked during each month it will be a variety of different things!


Well I my web cardigan via Kreepsville 666. I wore it several times (it's not available on Kreepsville but it is on Sourpuss)

I got this dress from Sourpuss Clothing which is called Anchor Sweetheart dress (which I'll be doing a post on later!) I wore it to my high school reunion!

And I can't forget my Jack-O-Lantern brooch from The Ambrosia Bowl it was my favorite Halloween accessory!


That has to be from Hot Topic Haul which is Rag Doll Perfume and my "F" Bomb from DeBombFizzers 

Also on this list I am adding my dry shampoo from Suavecita


I have to shout out Primp and Blow which is in Legacy in Omaha. I have been a customer for a while and I haven't been since I cut my hair, so I scheduled an appointment for my reunion plus I threw in make-up (which a blow out and make up is $70) services since I am still not perfect on my make up skills. They do Smash box make up and it turned out awesome!


Starbucks The Frauppula Frappuccino I only got it once but trust me it was enough! So good!!

Book: (I technically finished it like mid September)

I think I love you by Allison Pearson.

I got this book from the library book sale in April and it took me a long time to read it. But the story is about a woman named Petra who was a big David Cassidy fan in the 70's, she and her friend at the time enter a contest by a teen magazine to a chance to meet him. Then the books jumps ahead to her late 30's and her mother just passes away she discovers that she won the contest (she never knew) then is able to fly to Vegas (she lives in the UK) with her friend to meet the older David Cassidy.

The book took my awhile but it reminded me that anything is possible to meet your idol even if you're grown up. I loved Jonathan Jackson (Lucky from 90's General Hospital and Avery on Nashville) a year ago and I never thought it was possible but you surprise yourself!

Last but not least music!

I did listen to a lot of JD McPherson not going to lie but this artist was on one of Cherry Dollface's videos which is Dr. Ring Ding my favorite song is from his album Piping Hot Dancing with the Fat Man's lady!

Have a great weekend!!




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