Tag team get well card

My friend and co-worker Shannon helped me on creating a get-well card for our favorite security guard Joe who has been sick with pneumonia :( Joe hails from Hawaii and I love listening to him talk about growing up on the Big Island so we did his card with a little Hawaiian twist:

Joe does surf too I might add :) so hence the play on words. Thanks to the Bick Mark It sight for the surfboard stencils! Shannon and I each designed two. The letter stickers are from EK Success.

"E ola" is get well soon in Hawaiian. The paper I'm sure you've seen in my posts before in Red around the Holidays it's the same brand Karen Foster but in Blue. I bought some chip letters at Precious Treasures to use a stencil. My free style letters can stink sometimes.

This is actually is my first real get well card. I've made Holiday cards and B-day cards. I should try and brain storm ideas for future Get well cards.

Oh then I found a website that can translate your name to what it would be in Hawaiian check it out here

Maggie is Makie in Hawaiian. I totally LOVE IT!! 

What is your name in Hawaiian?


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