Sunday Thoughts: Cancel Culture

Note: This blog post is fully 100% my opinion. If you don't want to read this post then come back tomorrow where I will have something a little less light hearted. I wanted to share my views on this rather sensitive topic. Please respect my opinions and beliefs thank you. 

Like the pandemic being one of things I was not expecting from 2020, there is also canceled culture. I have been debating how I wanted to address it but I wasn't sure how to address it, everyone has their own opinions, beliefs and whatnot which I respect fully but I myself I have opinions and feelings too. I really don't believe in cancel culture. 

Today is the 43rd passing of Elvis Presley. 

Why is this relevant?

Because The King himself has become a part of this so called phenomenon that is cancelled culture. As you may or may not know, the week leading up to his death is "Elvis week" at Graceland and I'd like to recognize the week on my Facebook page with facts about his life, his movies and people he was involved with. It was brought to a halt. There was talk about him being a pedophile of relationship with Priscilla. Granted I have done my share of research on this topic, although I don't support his decisions he made all those years ago but he's been dead for 43 years why are we bringing up the past? If he was alive and people came forward then yes it would be an issue.  

The other thing is that I don't like Elvis because I am in pinup. I liked him before I got into pinup, just as I've liked James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and Johnny Cash. There's no written rule about having to like any of these historical figures to do pinup you can listen to Rob Zombie and be pinup, you can listen Backstreet Boys and be a pinup there is no written rule about who you like in the pinup world. That's the beautiful things about pinup. 

Also, because I grew up with Elvis, mom loved him and she handed that down to me. I feel like it connects me to her even though she has passed away. I've felt closer to her than I ever did and sharing in something she loved. I know everyone may not like him or music but that's their opinion. I don't judge anyone on their music taste.  

Back to cancel culture. Besides Elvis there have been other people during this pandemic that have been shoved under the microscope and closely exam (or re-exam at times) for things they've done or said in their past. A lot of this has happened years ago and said people have apologized countless times about the situation but here we go again it's brought the forefront for everyone to exam their lives once again. 

Here's the thing: What they did years ago doesn't reflect who they are a person now. Are they the same as the were all these years ago? Chances are they aren't. We all have been young, stupid and irresponsible however these said people put it out on the Intranet for the world to see so they're really exam closely because of that reason. Most of them have a younger demographic and are often classified as "role models" and rightfully so. For an example, there have been musicians that recently have been in hot water for inappropriate things they've done in their past. I fully agree they should be held accountable for their actions since they're still active in the industry. In hindsight yes Elvis is still somewhat "active" in the industry but he's been DEAD FOR 43 YEARS. He can't defend himself or be held accountable end of story. Again I don't condone his actions or decisions he made years ago. 

But here's the other thing: We all fuck up, we all make mistakes, I was completely reckless in my 20's I did things I am not proud of-hell I even done stuff in my 30's that was 7 years ago that I am not proud of. We learn from our mistakes, we own our shit, we apologize for what we did and even after all these years some of us are still slandered for those mistakes. And why? I think a lot of it is people during this pandemic, people are home, bored and decide let's dig up the past on so, so then it blows completely out of water, said person is once again in the unfortunate lime light and they have to once again apologize for something that happen almost 10 years ago. As the saying goes "They will forever be sorry". 

Then the cancel culture becomes a domino effect, articles get shared along with videos the list goes on, people say I won't buy their products or support them no longer. 

Jenna Marbles had posted a video back in June (It's since then been deleted) apologizing for what she had done years ago here's Rich Lux's video on the topic:

Again I repeat: I don't condone what anyone has done in their past. It's in their past. I look at how the are as a person here and now that's what matters. Again people make mistakes but they own their shit, and they apologize for it.  Whether you take their apology or not is on you and your beliefs. I don't judge anyone that's not for me to do. We all have things were are not proud of it's how we learn and grow from those mistakes going forward and not to repeat the past. 

At the end of the day as You Tuber Emily Boo says: Support who the fuck you want. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. I know it's a heavy topic but I wanted to share my opinion on it.

Miss Mag Nificent  


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