Home Improvement projects

I’m always looking for ways to improve my apartment simple yet fun projects to spruce things up. My cat has torn up my mini blinds (insert sigh) so I needed to come up with a temporary solution for that. I also need curtains for my kitchen something I had never really done. My idea was to move the living room curtains into the kitchen and buy a set (four pairs) for the living room.
I stuck with the black and white theme (of course) but choose white curtains with black chevrons here’s the before:

The after:

I was amazed how brighter the living room became which actually made me happy. Here is the kitchen before with my torn up blinds:

The after:

Overall I am pleased how it turned out as well it does darken the kitchen of course but now I have curtains finally!
The next improvement I did was I purchased a clear make up tray by Caboodles to hold my make-up. I have been using a Caboodle case for a while now but I thought change might be good:
The before:

And after:

My make-up is within reach and no more digging around!
What a difference a simple changes make! Have a great week!!


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