Bedroom dresser organization Part 1

Hello! This week I will be busy with Relay so I apologize for the lack of posts. But I did want to share an organization post even though I tend to be un-organized but I do try sometimes. And I like to share my tips too you never know who you can help! Out of the blue Saturday morning I couldn’t sleep so I tackled my cluttered dresser top. I should have taken a before photo, it didn’t occur to me until after go figure!

It looks so much better. Basically I had two take out boxes of my sunglasses collection (my canvas holder broke) I relocated them, and then moved my new holder front and center. Actually I have way too much jewelry I think I will be doing a purge soon. Anyways then later on, I realized one of my little draws needs to be desperately organized. This time I did snag a before picture:

It actually isn’t all that bad but it seems to be a “catch all” for random stuff I take out of my purses when I swap them, some of jewelry I don’t wear (including my holiday jewelry) so I decided first was to go through my major earring collection and organize it.

I keep all my holiday jewelry in a clear little box that I got ages ago at Staples; I was looking for my Star earrings for Memorial Day when I realized how terrible it was!
So I began to oraganize them:

Notice the paw? I have a helper!

As you can see I have saved a couple of those earring cards and that's what I put my earrings on:

I also have one of those traveling jewelry holders that are full of other earrings that I don’t wear so I went through them and relocated my other holiday jewelry in them. Here's all my earrings on the cards:

Then I put all the earring cards back into the box, which all fit nicely.

Oh my studs and smaller earrings that I wear regularly I keep in a little Hello Kitty empty mint tin. Works wonders!

Well it’s a start I will share part 2 when I get around to it!


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