Hollywood Candy (Whatever Wednesday)

I am still trying to catch up from Christmas as you can tell this was from almost two weeks ago now when I went to M'Lady, Fia + Belle, Flying Worm Vintage and Hollywood Candy.

I make a point to try and stop by Hollywood Candy even if it's for a few minutes whenever I am down in the Old Market. I've written about it before and a snippet here 

It's one of my favorite places and it's always changing I wanted to check out the Christmas decor too. So here a few of the pictures I took while I was there:

I love this old school VW 

Isn't this Coke cooler amazing?

These vintage mail boxes.... SWOON   

And of course Elvis!! 

Hollywood Candy has a National Rubber Ducky Day coming up. I am hoping to participate!


Miss Mag Nificent 


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