2018 Book List (Whatever Wednesday)


It's been a week into the New Year, and things have been okay. I have yet to fall sick to illness (flu has been going around like no other along with colds). Also I have fallen back into my regular overnight routine. Steady as she goes!

Today, I am sharing my book list for 2018 as I want to read more this year. I have A LOT of unfinished book series that I need to finish one of the books I read that was a Goodwill find turned out to be there are 12 books (I had read book 5)  and some other books that I have heard are good.  So no in particular order here is my book list.

1. Dollface Vintage (Cherry Dollface's book)
2. Turtles all the way down
3. Tales from the back row
4. Station 11
5. Wonder Woman Ambassador of Truth
6. The secret history of Wonder Woman
7. Spoiler Alert the hero dies
8. Tara Holloway series (there are 12 of these)
9. Anita Blake series (there are 25 of these and I have 5 to go)
10. Black Dagger Brotherhood series (there are 23 and I have 3 to go)
11. Why not me?
12. The Dark side of OZ series (four books and I have 3 to go)
13. Lily and the Octopus

It may seem like a short list but with all the series books. I am thinking after tax time that I will invest in an actual kindle (I had the App on my phone in the past) so I download most of these books.

And there is no set goal or date to get these books done by just something I would like accomplish this year :)

Do you like to read if so what are your favorite books or genre?


Miss Mag Nificent


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