D is for Dress

Wow! We are already to letter D!

First things first!

For letter B click here

For letter C click here

D is for dresses!

The ultimate pinup staple!! I remembered getting my first dress from a website that I don't remember the name of after that the rest was history. I can say that it's a lot of trial and error to find the right pin up dress. Mainly because sizes are way different with different companies As you go through the alphabet I will be sharing other resources on where to get dresses and whatnot.

Here my top 5 tips for dress shopping:

1. Have an open mind:  There are a of different dresses and styles. It can be overwhelming for someone who has never pin up dress shop before. So if you keep an open mind it can be a lot easier for you and more fun!

2. Start with EBay EBay is the best to find anything of course but you can find some of top pin up sites styles at lower prices if you are on a budget. Then you can go branch out more once you feel confident. Plus you can find unicorns!

3. Read my post about finding the perfect pinup dress here where I list all my favorite shops, and the costs of each shop.

4. Facebook: Believe it or not they are a ton of groups on Facebook that can be helpful. Plus they are swap and sell sites too and they are friendly and helpful!!

5. Have fun! This is most important!! Don't be afraid to try new things!!

I'll this post with my current picture of my closet with my dresses:

I love looking at my dresses! It makes me so happy!




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