B is for Brooches

Happy Monday! I had an excellent weekend! I will be recapping that later but for let's get back to the ABC's of pinup!

Check out Letter A

B is for Brooches.

Honestly, I am not sure where brooches and pinups became a thing? But a lot the modern pin ups I follow, they are obsessed with brooches! Then I start to buy a couple.... Guess who became obsessed herself? Actually, I am no stranger to brooches, my grandmother Adams wore them all the time with her dresses.

I've shared my brooch boards here and here. The collection has gotten out of hand! Plus I ran out of room! I need to get a new board! I had a couple days off last week so I took a day to organize my brooch board and I ran out of room!! I could fit all but two of them:

Plus here are my two newest ones:

Here are few of the places I have gotten my brooches:

Pinup girl clothing


Dolly Cool

The Ambrosia Bowl

Soda Sweethearts

The Star bright motel

Deer Arrow

Insomniac Creations 

Femme De Bloom

Also I have yet to buy from them but Erst Wilder is a great brooch company too!

Brooches are fun plus they are a great ice breaker!

Have a great week and C you next Monday!!




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