Crafting with kids: July 4th Edition

Welcome to my new post crafting with kids! As you know, I am a Sunday School teacher. I am also an Auntie to my 4 four year (God Son) Sheamus, 2 year old Luke and 9 month old Sylvia (my friend's kiddos) so I am sharing some crafts that I did with Luke (and Sylvia participated) last Friday.

My friend has been letting me do crafts when I visit with Luke since last Valentines. We had a few hits and misses but we have fun!

With last weekend being the July 4th Holiday, I took the chance at doing a craft with Luke that would be fun for him to do so this craft is from Pinterest


Cardboard tubes
Paint in red, white and blue (I bought crayola washable)
Paper I bought light blue 12x12" scrapbook paper
Paper plates

 First, take the tubs and cut about 1" strips all around the tube so it looks like this:

Then what you will do is pour each paint color onto a paper plate. Next have your kiddo dip the tube into each color of paint and stamp it down like fireworks:

Not bad for a two year old!! The only trouble I had was convincing him these were the only colors we were going to use! He was covered in paint! Luckily not a problem since it's washable!

The next craft, involved Sylvia which was basically footprints. I've done these before with the kids for Halloween last year:

Again it's a simple fun craft and Luke loves doing his foot prints!


Well I give up on 30/30 remix. I wore a different dress last week. I thought I did pretty good lasting three weeks.

The weather was dreary all weekend! Here's hoping it's warmer this week!


Margie Mae 


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