Trying to get organized

Happy Monday! Anyone else struggling after Daylights Savings time!

I used to try to make this blog into an organization blog but times have changed! I was originally going to have this posted today then I had a falling out (again) but after a visit to Hobby Lobby, I am back on track! I will be sharing what I got from Hobby Lobby I think next week because I have Tokidoki figures I want to share and Friday I will be sharing my final edits from my Classic Pictures shoot!

Also this week is Green Week I am wearing a different green colored outfit leading up to St. Patrick's Day since Saturday is Miss World of Wheels (eek!) so they will be posted next week. And if you noticed I have been doing Sunday Thoughts which I am not sure how often I will be doing these but it maybe once in awhile. Okay onto the post!


I really wanted to get a magnetic calendar for my fridge and I haven't found the right/affordable one. I don't want one that is too big (the size of freezer door) so I could jot down my life, etc. I have a planner but lately I haven't written in it so I wanted to attempt to find something that would work.

I went to Staples on hopes to find something. I didn't have much luck so I settled on a weekly magnetic calendar but the only problem it wasn't magnetic #firstworldproblems so I got some magnetic tape.

Here's a before shot of the freezer door:

I wrote out my week, stuck magnetic pieces down and stuck it on the door then went to bed. I woke up later to find the board on the floor and part of the cork strip in pieces. Funny thing is I didn't hear the board hit the floor *sighs* I thought the magnetic tape would have worked it wasn't as durable as I thought. I had to get E6000 to help (it didn't) and side bar I am really bummed that Staples didn't carry sticky strong magnet.

24 hours later..... I got it to stick and I rehung it:

Then the mofo fell again.... I was REALLY frustrated! It was back to the drawing board (Literally) I knew Hobby Lobby had super strong magnets because we use them with our Sunday School kids and pearler/fuse beads.  I got the strongest magnets I could find and attempted to hang it again. I added the magnets then stuck it back on the fridge and I let it stand alone without anything on it to make sure it wasn't going to fall down (again it fell 4 times).

The poor cork-board strip is cracked and I'm not sure if I will use at all anyways so I finally wrote out my week and so far it's held up again so here's the final product:

I will write in days when I do chores, etc so I can sort of keep track.

Let's hope this will hold up!!

See you Wednesday!


Miss Mag Nificent


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