Fashion Friday: Ugly Christmas Sweater 2.0

Happy Friday! Can you believe it that next weekend  will be Christmas?

It's no secret I love ugly Christmas Sweaters. If you remember last years technically it's two years old now. I wanted to do make this design forever ago and finally got all the materials for it! I found this originally on Pinterest here is the link

I went with black for sweater (okay a long sleeve shirt) again because it's easy and since I am using Red for my base color (of course) so it needs to pop:

Next, I took a pair of Dollar Store reindeer antlers that broke so I took them apart, then I took the red felt to cut out cat eye glasses, added bling and glued them down:

Last I cut a nose out of the same felt and add red glitter to it:

Ta da! Pretty cute yeah?

This weekend, I have to finish my Christmas shopping, my brother's 40th Birthday, and my mom's Christmas party at the nursing home. So it's going to be busy!!

Have a great weekend!




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