Mag's First Sell and Swap

Well as of tomorrow I will be done with school for a few days! Actually I have to work the holiday weekend so the only break I get is Thursday and I am going to Jimmy Buffett!! Then I will be back in school the following Tuesday so I will be tired!

Saturday I went to my first ever swap and sell at Daisy Jone's Locker. When I first saw this, I thought well I don't have anything to sell. Then the more I thought about it, I realized I do have a few things that don't fit, or I have never worn, plus it might lead to new pretties. I hate to get rid of stuff I am such a pack rat, and I just started my dress collection officially this year, I hate to part with anything but why keep anything that I can't wear? And again NEW pretties!!!

I took what I had which wasn't much I realized after seeing what the other girls brought plus this is my first real year of having a ton of pretties. But none the less I only sold 1 skirt in the end which is okay because I had fun meeting some of the local pinup/rockabilly girls their style, I got a unicorn (more on that later) I donated the rest of my pretties to charity (I kept two of the dresses I brought though to try and sell) and I got some goodies!

I got the giant Orchid hair clip (for Jimmy Buffett), some scarves, a cleaver clutch from Kreepsville666 
and Steady Sophia top in red that was from Daisy Jones. Luckily for me I have good self control!

Plus my unicorn! But I am holding off sharing that for a fashion Friday which I am bringing back this Friday!

I am back to regularly scheduled blogging this week!


Margie Mae


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