Red and Black Bathroom

As you remember I started to re-vamp my bathroom again. Well I am finally getting around to sharing the rest of the pictures!

For my re-vamp of the painting, my stool shelf,  and the shower curtain 

First up is my wall above the towel bar:

I used to have wrapping paper framed now it's the bigger cherry print bandanna, and bigger polka dot print (actually it has now changed to red polka dot). Also I found this fun paper at Michael's and the red door paper I had to frame. The door knob used to hang on the opposite wall now serves as a holder for my you guessed it polka dot scarves!

Now for the from that is my self across that wall above the toilet:

A few changes here and there I found my red devil duckies from OTC, my Epsom salt jar, and my red chalk board that I wrote have a sexy soak! I take a lot of baths!

Below the shelf I got a tray from Target to help hold my storage jars which are of Q-Tips and Cotton balls, and then my headbands. Plus my little candles fit in there nicely. Also Deadpool hangs out here.

The wall to the right I have a candid shot of Marilyn Monroe in an airport bathroom, the polka dot frame used to have a glass piece in it but I removed it. 

Last but not least another favorite picture of Marilyn Monroe:

I did some additional changes new caddies, etc.

Overall I love the changes! Let's hope I don't change it again!!

Stay tuned for my Junk Stock Photos!


Margie Mae 


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