Superhero snow globe

I’m back from vacation! I will be re-capping in the posts to come but today I am sharing a project that I completed on vacation. I did some cleaning out at my dad’s shed where a lot of my stuff has gone into storage. I was happy to get rid a lot of stuff. Plus I will have to get another Smash book to scrap my pictures and etc!

One of things I found was my little Batgirl figure from a Happy Meal toy eons ago and decided she would be perfect for a snow globe!


Jar any size

A small toy or object



That’s it! Other snow globe projects I’ve seen require glycerin which is totally optional but this one is simple!

First glue your object to the lid of you jar and let dry:

While it dries fill your jar with glitter just enough for desired effect:

Fill jar with water, then add more glue around the lid and screw the lid on tight!

Then you have a fabulous glittery super hero snow globe!!

  Thanks for stopping!


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